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【緻密的玻璃空間 Closely Glazed Spaces】大久保如彌 Naomi OKUBO

17 Dec 2022 - 07 Jan 2023

GALLERY HOURS | Tue.–Sat. 12:00–19:00
CLOSED | Sun.–Mon. 

雲清藝術很榮幸舉行【緻密的玻璃空間 Closely Glazed Spaces】大久保如彌(Naomi OKUBO) 睽違四年台北個展。大久保如彌於2017年獲獎助赴紐約駐村創作,於2020年回到日本。 此次個展帶來9件繪畫及5件雕塑作品,並將出席12/17 展覽開幕。


展名【緻密的玻璃空間 Closely Glazed Spaces】靈感取自1842年的英國著作《On the Growth of Plants in Closely Glazed Cases》,作者Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward 醫生(1791-1868)發現只要提供少量土壤和適當的水分與光線,植物便能在受密封玻璃箱(Wardian case)保護的環境中安然度過漫長的海運航程,改變了世界植物生態。

Elsa Gallery is delighted to present Closely Glazed Spaces, an exhibition of 9 paintings and 5 sculptures by Naomi OKUBO. Naomi Okubo had stayed in New York for artist  in 2019. and will attend the opening of the 12/17 exhibition.

On a summer evening while living in New York, Okubo Rumi came to the wild garden on the top floor of the Brooklyn building, and in front of his sight was a huge water tank surrounded by purple light bars; The combination of sci-fi movie scenes opened up the opportunity for the artist to create this solo exhibition.

The title of the exhibition [Closely Glazed Spaces] is inspired by the British book “On the Growth of Plants in Closely Glazed Cases” in 1842. The author, Dr. Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward (1791-1868), found that as long as a small amount of soil and proper moisture are provided With light, plants can safely spend the long sea voyage in an environment protected by a sealed glass box (Wardian case), which has changed the world’s plant ecology.



  • Date: 17 Dec 2022 - 07 Jan 2023