GALLERY HOURS | Tue.–Sat. 12:00–19:00
CLOSED | Sun.–Mon., National Holidays
*開幕 2021.6.11 15:00 藝術家將出席
展覽將於 6/11 下午三點開幕,藝術家將出席開幕活動,誠摯邀請各位觀眾蒞臨現場參觀。
KEONG Wan Wai’s Solo Exhibition
Chih Chu: The Journey
The Macau-born artist Keong Wan Wai usually gets inspired by his life experience and everyday observations and turn what he feels about them into light-hearted sculptures.
In Chinese, Chih (彳) means moving the left leg forward and Chu (亍) means the same thing for the right leg. Chih Chu is the action of strolling and stopping by while moving. In an individual’s life, every move is propelled by the decisions they make, which may be repeated or changed, prompted by something or initiating others. One’s life events are the results of these decisions, so the decisions often demonstrate a person’s will more than any words or descriptions they gave.
Keong’s solo exhibition, Chih Chu, includes three series of works, ‘Sailing’, ‘Repeats’, and ‘Entanglement’. Sailing depicts a state of mind ready for embarking on or ending a journey at any time. Repeats demonstrates repetitive labor in the daily life. Entanglement showcases a puppet-like life and the eventual development of self-awareness, mixing together manipulating and manipulated moments in the life. As an individual gains more social experiences, their values would be shaped by various events. People would get to know themselves better with their souls set free as they discover their values.