SYMBOLIC EFFECT 符號效應】金巻 芳俊 個展
展期 Date ∣ 2O16/11/O5 ~ 2O16/12/O3
開幕 Opening ∣ 11 / O5 (Sat.) 14:00
開幕 Opening ∣ 11 / O5 (Sat.) 14:00
睽違三年,雲清藝術中心將於 11 月 5日 舉辦金巻 芳俊個展「符號效應」帶來全新創作與台灣觀眾見面。
金巻 芳俊新作藉由變形、模糊、正負片等效果延續創作的核心概念。「矛盾情節」脈絡下的數件雕塑作品,是藝術家個人情感的投射,或許亦反映了觀者的心境。
▁▁ 金巻 芳俊首部作品集 《Ambivalence 矛盾情節》11月5日 開幕當日 正式發行 ▁▁
Elsa Art Gallery is pleased to present Yoshitoshi Kanemaki ‘SYMBOLIC EFFECT’ on Sat. 5th Nov.
Yoshitoshi KANAMAKI have tried to express his capricious feelings while taking in the elements of effect such as distortion, blur, negative and positive films reversal, and anything else. Such ‘ambivalence’ sculptor group may be a projection of artist own feelings and perhaps yours.
▁▁ Artist catalog ‘Ambivalence’ by Yoshitoshi Kanemaki will release on the opening reception. ▁▁